Red Light Green Light Learning Services

Building Executive Functioning, Language, Communication, Literacy, and Writing Skills for Academic, Work, and Life Success.

How does anyone talk and work at the same time?

Success in the modern society is dependent upon the ability to interact while working in all communication environments. Executive Function skills, specifically the abilities to prioritize tasks, to self-regulate, and to time manage, pose a challenge for neurodiverse individuals. Development of the skills needed to master these challenges is an important step towards academic, work, and life success.

What do I do?

I work individually with each client to address specific needs by designing and developing interventions along with using my extensive experience and knowledge as a speech/language therapist, executive skills coach, reading specialist, pragmatic communication specialist, and experienced academic support specialist.

How do I do it?

While facilitating language, literacy, and writing development, I utilize each one’s communication and academic or work environments to implement academic learning and work/life learning. I also use a team approach, incorporating either family, worksite, and other key personnel input, plus ongoing progress reports so that newly developed skills can be reinforced at home, in school, or at work.